I’m having trouble getting a result formatted in JSON paged. My code instead of returning the result of the joined is bringing the result per page!
import requests
def __init__(self, usuario, token):
self.usuario = usuario
self.token = token
def get_json(self, url):
retorno = requests.get(url, auth=(self.usuario, self.token))
if retorno.status_code != 200:
print('Status:', retorno.status_code, 'Problem with the request. Exiting.')
return retorno.json()
def get_list_url(self, url):
lista_url = [url]
json_retorno = self.get_json(url)
while json_retorno['next_page'] is not None:
json_retorno = self.get_json(json_retorno['next_page'])
return lista_url
def imprime_lista(self, url):
json_retorno = self.get_json(url)
resolvidos_30d = 0
limite = 30
data_atual = datetime.strptime('2018-06-06', '%Y-%m-%d')
for res in json_retorno['tickets']:
if res['dates']['solved_at'] is not None:
solved_at = res['dates']['solved_at'][:10]
data_resolvido = datetime.strptime(solved_at, '%Y-%m-%d')
quantidade_dias = abs((data_atual - data_resolvido).days)
if quantidade_dias <= limite:
resolvidos_30d = resolvidos_30d + 1
elif quantidade_dias > limite:
print(id, resolvidos_30d, sep=';')
tickets = ['2720018']
urlTrigger = 'exemplo.com.br'
api = login('[email protected] /token', 'xxx')
for id in tickets:
role_znd = id
lista = api.get_list_url(urlTrigger+str(role_znd+'/includes'))
for url in lista:
He returns to me more or less like this...
Process finished with exit code -1
Another basic detail is that the break is not respected, I am doing wrong?
You don’t call the method
nowhere? If it is she who returns the list of all Urls, how did she return all the pages together?– Woss
Thanks for the help Anderson, I call him down there, I had taken this chunk of code here in the stack (already added again). I have no clue why it returns on page 1 51 after page 2 1 result and so on.
– Antonio Hammerl
Note: I accept tips to make the code cleaner or more efficient... I’m learning Python yet and any hint is valuable to the evolution of my learning :)
– Antonio Hammerl