I can’t link Angular to my project .
This is my Structure :
I downloaded Angular via Bower and to link it I used the following Script in my Views src=".. /.. /.. /bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"script>
But when I’m gonna do a simple test of the kind :
The browser returns
GET http://localhost:3000/bower_components/angular/angular.min.js net:ERR_ABORTED
Somebody please help me
Friend, I believe some configuration files are missing
– Macario1983
Can you tell me which ones? Or somewhere I can find this solution ? Please
– Octavio Augusto
What I can suggest is to create an example app, which every tutorial will show you,
ng new <nome-projeto>
and observes the structure, probably your project q vc downloaded this missing something to generate this error.– Macario1983