String Field List Sorting


Viewed 456 times


I have a List with attributes, of which I have the field of reviews, containing: Excellent, Good, Regular, Bad, and Bad. The information for this field I get from the consumption of a REST API using JSON.


IEnumerable<minhaEntidade> minhaLista = _respositorio.ConsumirAPI();

foreach (var item in minhaLista)
    Retorno.Add(new minhaNovaEntidade()
            Nome = item.NomeCompleto,
            Endereco = item.EnderecoCompleto,
            Avaliacao = item.AvaliacaoDesempenho

If I do:

return Retorno.OrderBy(x => x.Avaliacao);

I will have the list sorted by the performance evaluations in alphabetical order.

However, I need to sort the list by following the precedence criterion: Excellent, Good, Regular, Bad, and Bad.

That is, all Names and Addresses that were first evaluated as Excellent, then Good, then Regular, then Bad, then Bad. In this order.

I’ve tried to create a Type-Safe Enum Pattern to compare the obtained list with my Type-Safe Enumerator, example:

return Retorno.OrderBy(x => MeuEnumerador().CompareTo(x.Avaliacao));


return Retorno.Sort((x,y) => x.Avaliacao.CompareTo(MeuEnumerador().ToString()))

But it didn’t work and/or make a mistake.


Has anyone ever needed to do something similar to this problem of mine using C#?

Or even, have any hint of implementation for what I’m looking for?

Remembering that the information does not come from a database (which would be easy to solve), but from a JSON API, and the field is just a string.

  • What kind of Avaliacao?

  • @LINQ the Rating field is string type. And when I consume the API, it comes Excellent, or Good, or Regular, or Bad, or Bad.

  • IEnumerable<minhaEntidade> minhaLista in this variable already has the list of values, is why you need to order?

  • @Virgilionovic This is exactly the list I need to sort by the Evaluation field, which is string type, but not alphabetically. First sort all the cases that were evaluated by Excellent, then Good and so on.

  • I understand Alexandre Dórea.

2 answers


Hint to solve the problem. Create a weight field/attribute in your minhaNovaEntidade . When adding the new item to the return list put the weight value. After including all classified items, reorder the list based on weight. Example:

foreach (var item in minhaLista)
   xxx = new minhaNovaEntidade()
        Nome = item.NomeCompleto,
        Endereco = item.EnderecoCompleto,
        Avaliacao = item.AvaliacaoDesempenho

switch (item.AvaliacaoDesempenho)
            case "Excelente":
                xxx.peso = 1;

            case "Bom";
                xxx.peso = 2;

                xxx.peso = 99;



return Retorno.OrderBy(x => x.peso);
  • I created a field as you suggested. But, I didn’t need to use the Switch. I took advantage of the concept I had already implemented of Type-Safe Enum Pattern and returned the value for this custom Enum. How to close and give validated points to what you suggested?

  • Click on the tag next to the answer For questions see


Create a enum for the classifications and order by it:

public enum Avaliacoes
    Excelente = 0,
    Bom = 1,
    Regular = 2,
    Ruim = 3,
    Pessimo = 4

I made an example code:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Lista Original:");

        List<Entidade> entidades = new List<Entidade>();
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =1, Nome = "Teste 1", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Ruim });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =2, Nome = "Teste 2", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Pessimo });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =3, Nome = "Teste 3", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Regular });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =4, Nome = "Teste 4", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Bom });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =5, Nome = "Teste 5", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Ruim });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =6, Nome = "Teste 6", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Regular });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =7, Nome = "Teste 7", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Ruim });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =8, Nome = "Teste 8", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Bom });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =9, Nome = "Teste 9", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Ruim });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =10, Nome = "Teste 10", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Ruim });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =11, Nome = "Teste 11", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Bom });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =12, Nome = "Teste 12", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Excelente });
        entidades.Add(new Entidade(){ Id =13, Nome = "Teste 13", Avaliacao = Avaliacoes.Excelente });

        entidades.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Nome + " / " + x.Avaliacao));

        entidades =  entidades.OrderBy(x => x.Avaliacao).ToList();

        Console.WriteLine("Lista Ordenada:");

        entidades.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Nome + " / " + x.Avaliacao));


    public class Entidade
        public int Id {get;set;}
        public string Nome {get;set;}
        public Avaliacoes Avaliacao {get;set;}


    public enum Avaliacoes
        Excelente = 0,
        Bom = 1,
        Regular = 2,
        Ruim = 3,
        Pessimo = 4


Lista Original:
Teste 1 / Ruim
Teste 2 / Pessimo
Teste 3 / Regular
Teste 4 / Bom
Teste 5 / Ruim
Teste 6 / Regular
Teste 7 / Ruim
Teste 8 / Bom
Teste 9 / Ruim
Teste 10 / Ruim
Teste 11 / Bom
Teste 12 / Excelente
Teste 13 / Excelente
Lista Ordenada:
Teste 12 / Excelente
Teste 13 / Excelente
Teste 4 / Bom
Teste 8 / Bom
Teste 11 / Bom
Teste 3 / Regular
Teste 6 / Regular
Teste 1 / Ruim
Teste 5 / Ruim
Teste 7 / Ruim
Teste 9 / Ruim
Teste 10 / Ruim
Teste 2 / Pessimo

I put in the Dotnetfiddle

ps. You will need to convert the string that comes in json pro Enum, then:

  • 1

    I will test convert to Enum. I hadn’t thought about it. Once I have the result I evaluate here.

  • 1

    I’m not sure, but it’s possible that in the json parse, it’s already converted to Enum automatically.

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