Responsiveness of websites according to the Browser


Viewed 42 times


I know it’s a massive subject and can easily be duplicated, but before you point it out, read.

The properties of Bootstraps do not apply to Browser Safari ?

I have an application that in 3 Browser (Chrome, Firefox and Edge) work noralmente, but testing in Safari is totally misaligned.


Google Chrome 1366 x 768 (Notebook) :

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Safari 1366 x 768 (Notebook):

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Here are my doubts.

It would be better to identify the Browser being accessed via Javascript using the commands navigator.appName && navigator.appVersion and thus set the properties of the .CSS equivalent?

It would be better to do everything via .CSS to make dynamic independent of the Browser and/or screen resolution?

Obs. The application was accessed in the resolution of 1366 x 768 (Notebook) and 1600 x 900 (Desktop).

  • 1

    Are you using Safari on Windows hi on Mac? If you are using Windowns Safari this version is too old, don’t worry about it. Try testing on Safari that is younger. Bootstrap 3 has Floats-based Grid, and should be responsive even in older browsers, while Flex and other CSS3 styles may fail in these older versions of Safari, as well as the latest version of 2012 Safari for Windows!!

  • Great observation @hugocsl, but, knows if Igor reported the version of Safari, or if it was tested in Windows?

  • @Andréfilipe can’t say... he never returned it

  • Worse is an active user with visa last: 5 hours ago. Could you at least give back to those with the greatest willingness to help.

  • In this case, the problem was the version of Safari. Because I was using in S.Windowns, I installed the first one I found and it was old. I tested it on a Macbook and the laytout remained stable and responsive... In case the Mac version was the most current.

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