Print PDF document directly via PHP or Javascript


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I wonder if there is a way to print a PDF document directly (without the need to press Ctrl+p in the browser) via PHP or Javascript. For example: create a button that, when clicked, sends the PDF document to the user’s print queue. I’m a beginner in these two languages, so I don’t know if it’s a simple solution question.

  • I found this, I don’t know if it helps:

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    Just use the event window.print(), for example <button type="button" onclick="window.print()">Imprimir</button>. To choose which elements to print, you can use a specific CSS for printing.

  • You can, for example, in PHP, call Pdftoprinter as follows: system('PDFToPrinter.exe ' . $pdfpath, $result);, Pdftoprinter is on the link above and more easily on this one:

  • 1

    Gave it right @Marcelouchimura, thank you very much!!

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