Google Chart - Treemap does not appear


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Hello, I’m trying to plot a treemap with data from a BD (mysql), however, nothing appears. I have tried several alternatives and unsuccessfully. I have been able to plot several graphs, except treemap, I believe the problem is in the creation of php data table.

Follow part of php to fetch the data:

	$table = array();

			$table['cols'] = array(





				$rows = array();
					$query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(sk_carga) as qtd_entregas, carga_rota as rota FROM dim_lg_carga where id_empresa = :sk_empresa GROUP BY 2");

					$query->bindParam(':sk_empresa',$sk_empresa, PDO::PARAM_INT);

							while ($linha=$query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){

								$rota =$linha['rota'];
								$rota2 =null;
							$qtd_entregas = intval($linha['qtd_entregas']);
						$qtd_entregas_cor = intval($linha['qtd_entregas']);

								$temp = array();

								$temp[] = array('v'=>$rota);

								$temp[] = array('v'=>$rota2);

								$temp[] = array('v'=>$qtd_entregas);

								$temp[] = array('v'=>$qtd_entregas_cor);

								$rows[] = array('c'=>$temp);

						$table['rows'] = $rows;

							$jsonTable = json_encode($table);
							echo $jsonTable;

called JS:


						function desenharGraficoEntregasRotas(){
							// ajax
							var jsonDados10 = $.ajax({
								dataType: "json",
								async: false


						var options10 = {
									     minColor: '#f00',
								          midColor: '#ddd',
								          maxColor: '#0d0',
								          headerHeight: 15,
								          fontColor: 'black',
								          showScale: true

							//dados do grafico
							var dados10 = new google.visualization.DataTable(jsonDados10);

						var grafico10= new google.visualization.TreeMap(document.getElementById('grafico_entregas_rota'));

							// desenha o grafico de acordo com os parametros passados
							grafico10.draw(dados10, options10); 


HTML part:

	<div class="panel-body">
						<div class="canvas-wrapper">
						<div id="grafico_entregas_rota"></div>

Exemplification Database:
sk_load column route
1.......... Pituba
2.......... Pituba
3.......... Pituba
4.......... Pituba
5.......... Sprouts
6.......... Pituba
7.......... You sprout...
8.......... Green line

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