I created an application of tasks to be done that are presented in a Listview.
I am using Sqlite with a table with the columns: ID, task, completed.
I want that when I go through the records, if the "completed" column equals "s" the text in Listview appears with a scratch in the middle of it. Is there any way to do that?
This code is in the retrieveTarefas() method that searches for all tasks registered in the Sqlite database:
//Recuperar as tarefas
Cursor cursor = bancoDeDados.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM tarefas ORDER BY id DESC", null);
//recuperar ids das colunas
int indiceColunaId = cursor.getColumnIndex("id");
int indiceColunaTarefa = cursor.getColumnIndex("tarefa");
int indiceColunaConcluida = cursor.getColumnIndex("concluida");
//cria o adaptador
itens = new ArrayList<String>();
itensAdaptador = new ArrayAdapter<String>(getApplicationContext(),
idsTarefas = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Lista as tarefas - quando usa o rawquery ele fica parado no ultimo registro
while (cursor != null){
if (cursor.getString(indiceColunaConcluida) == "s"){
//Aqui quero colocar que o texto fica riscado
} else {
itens.add(cursor.getString( indiceColunaTarefa ));
//Aqui o texto deve ficar normal (sem risco)
idsTarefas.add( Integer.parseInt( cursor.getString(indiceColunaId) ) );
Related: How to format text in a Textview
– ramaral