How to select a text that does not have a certain term in the middle?


Viewed 206 times


I am trying to select a part of an HTML code with Regex but I am not able to do the correct regular expression, someone could give a help?

I need to select the groups of <li> separately, i.e., without the presence of the tag <br> in the middle.

For example, I’m trying with the expression below:


And I need to select the following text separately:

<li>Teste 1</li><li>Teste 2</li><li>Teste 3</li>

In this test, i created two occurrences from that list, but the expression is selecting everything from the first occurrence to the last.

How do I select the two lists separately?

1 answer


The problem of quantifiers * and + is that they are "greedy", that is, they try to take as many characters as possible that satisfies the expression.

To cancel this "greedy" behavior is enough put a ? after the *. With this, the expression will take as few characters as necessary (so *? is also called Lazy quantifier). Then the regex would look like this:


You can see it running here.

The above regex takes 6 groups (each tag li) separately. To take a sequence of several li that does not contain br as if they were one thing, just search for 1 or more occurrences of all the previous regex (using the quantifier +):


You can see this regex working here.

  • But there’s another detail, I wanted you to take 2 groups and not each item on the list (which is 6), there’s no way?

  • Now I’m not on the computer, but I’ll see as soon as I can. Anyway, I think an HTML parser might be better than regex

  • @Rogerwolff I edited the answer, adding this other case (2 groups instead of 6)

  • 1

    But I still think it’s better to use an HTML/XML parser. Regex is nice, but is not the best tool to make HTML Parsing.

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