Select without repeating data


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I am developing a website for a musical project and I am having difficulty with select, is the following, I have 2 tables an album that contains information from the cd (artwork, album title, name of the songs, etc), the other table calls album_links that has the links from where the cd will be available to buy (Amazon, Bandcamp, itunes, etc).

I made a select in the album table and all information appears normally, but in the album_links table when it is done select the data is repeated if you have more than one cd registered.

The idea is that only show the links to each registered cd. Ex:

CD 1 link1 Link2 link3

CD 2 link1

The only table that has foreign key (referring to album table) is the album_links table, I have tried to make a Join Inner between the two tables, and also other selects, but for now without success.

I had the same problem in another project when I was developing a photo gallery, the data was repeated and I still could not solve this problem too.

Does anyone have any idea what it might be?

Here’s the Front-End code

public function listing() {
    $ListRelease = new ModelsRead();
    $this->Result = $ListRelease->getResult();
    return $this->Result;

public function listingLinks() {
    $ListReleaseLink = new ModelsRead();
    $this->Result = $ListReleaseLink->getResult();
    return $this->Result;

In both functions the Exeread does: SELECT * FROM table

The Modelsread class has the functions

public function ExeRead($Table, $Terms = null, $ParseString = null) {
    if (!empty($ParseString)):
        parse_str($ParseString, $this->Values);
    $this->Select = "SELECT * FROM {$Table} {$Terms}";
public function fullRead($Query, $ParseString = null) {
    $this->Select = (string) $Query;
        parse_str($ParseString, $this->Values);

Database: mysql

Here’s the Inner Join I tried to do:

public function listingLinks() {
    $ListReleaseLink = new ModelsRead();
    $ListReleaseLink->fullRead("SELECT alblink.*, alb.album_title album FROM 
    album_links alblink
                            INNER JOIN album alb ON = alblink.album_id");
    $this->Result = $ListReleaseLink->getResult();
    return $this->Result;

However it repeats the data, the result I want is that for each album show the respective registered links.

    Tabela album

    Tabela album_links

In this project I am using MVC standard

  • Post the codes so we can help you. Specify more your problem. Which language you are using?

  • I’m using Object-Oriented PHP

  • Post your code so I can see what you’re doing.

  • Using a plugin? Or the Modelsread() class you made?

  • No, I’m not using any plugin

  • Yes, the Modelsread class I created

  • The whole structure I’m using is a "mini" framework that I developed in a course.

  • Without code we can not understand. However what seems to me: - A Join in the table badly done or not done. - A distinct clause can solve the problem. This in the context of the sql query.

  • @Robsonluizdossantos put the query with the Internet you were making to analyze.

  • This does not answer the question. When you have reputation enough, you’ll be able to leave comments on any post but until then, write only answer that no depend on more information of who asked. - Of Revision

  • One thing I think is that I don’t know how to do the Internet correctly, because what I tried he repeated the data, and the idea is that when doing the select show the information of the registered cd and the registered links to this cd. Ex: CD1 link1 Link2 link3, CD2 link1 Link2, another thing I’ve already thought is also the problem may be in the relationship of the tables.

  • Besides the Internet I also posted the structure of the tables

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1 answer


To avoid repeating the data in the Inner Join Voce only need to put at the end of the syntax "group by album_id"

  • I tried to do this too, but what happens is the following, in the album table has 2 cds registered, and in the album_links table has 5 links only to the cd 1 , when I put the group by album_id, it returns only one link and duplicates the result for the 2 cds.

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