Function is not called on mobile device


Viewed 24 times


Person is as follows... I am on a project of a website, where the same is responsive. On this site, there is an area dedicated to showing news, where there is a button (tag to) which opens a new tab with the news. The problem occurs there, at the time I invoke Function by the onclick attribute! For desktop format, the link works normally, however, when I’m with the mobile responsive site, Function isn’t even called! I would like opinions...

I use the Materializecss framework for responsiveness.


<a class="btn waves-effect" onclick="openLink('');">Saiba mais</a>

function openLink(link){, '_system');

NOTE: I am creating the tag and assigning values by JS.

  • Even on the desktop when vc decreases the screen it does not call the function or just on mobile?

  • This !!! It’s just the site entering responsibly, Function is not called. Could it be the framework ? A Carousel is being used for the news...

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