Several front-end applications implement a signature template in the files to control the cache, and each change in the file this signature changes.
Signature examples:
sw-d58e3582afa99040e27b92b13c8f2280.js sw.js? _gc=20180101
How to make Service Worker know how to handle these signatures and cache?
+details I am working on an application already ready, trying to implement service worker for certain functionalities to be available offline.
Example, in this excerpt I need to say what I will cache, however, the application changes the signatures of the file to control the cache. (today is like this)
caches.open('my-cache').then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll([
The application is always changing "Styles.css" to "Styles.css? v=1527624807103_1" (timestamp) As far as I understand it, not "Styles.css" is not the same as "Styles.css? v=1527624807103_1".
please could explain a little better and if possible put an example?
– Alexandre Cavaloti
@Alexandrecavaloti tried to put more information in the first text. I hope to have clarified a little more...
– lams