I have a Jqgrid that works perfectly in the browsers of the computer, however when I open on mobile, the double click function stops working.
url: '/Representantes/ConsultaEntrega/lista',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
postData: {
representante: function () { return jQuery("#representante option:selected").val(); },
documento: function () { return jQuery("#documento").val(); },
pedido: function () { return jQuery("#pedido").val(); },
cnpj: function () { return jQuery("#cnpj").val(); },
razao: function () { return jQuery("#razao").val(); },
transportadora: function () { return jQuery("#transportadora").val(); },
redesp: function () { return jQuery("#redesp").val(); },
mostrar: function () { return jQuery("#mostrar option:selected").val(); }
colModel: [
{ label: 'PEDIDO', name: 'D2_PEDIDO', width: 60 },
{ label: 'DOC', name: 'F2_DOC', width: 80 },
{ label: 'SÉRIE', name: 'F2_SERIE', width: 40, hidden: true },
{ label: 'CLIENTE', name: 'F2_CLIENTE', width: 60 },
{ label: 'LOJA', name: 'F2_LOJA', width: 50 },
{ label: 'RAZÃO', name: 'F2_ZRAZAO', width: 250 },
{ label: 'CHAVE', name: 'F2_CHVNFE', width: 320, hidden: true },
{ label: 'COD.TRANS', name: 'CODTRA', width: 85 },
{ label: 'TRANSPORTADORA', name: 'NOMETRA', width: 120 },
{ label: 'REDESPACHO', name: 'NOMERED', width: 80 },
{ label: 'EMISSAO', name: 'F2_EMISSAO', width: 80 },
{ label: 'SAÍDA', name: 'F2_ZDTSAID', width: 80 },
{ label: 'PREV.ENTREGA', name: 'GWU_DTPENT', width: 95 },
{ label: 'ENTREGA', name: 'GWU_DTENT', width: 80 },
viewrecords: true,
rowNum: 20,
rowList: [20, 40, 100],
shrinkToFit: false,
width: 1000,
height: 350,
emptyrecords: "Nenhum Registro",
loadtext: "Buscando e carregando...",
pager: "#jqGridPager",
loadonce: true
$table.dblclick(function () {
var kwGrid = $("#jqGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
if (kwGrid != null) {
var ret = $("#jqGrid").jqGrid('getRowData', kwGrid);
chave = ret["F2_CHVNFE"];
var documento = ret["F2_DOC"];
MostraDetalhes(documento, chave);