C#, sqlsever Popualar datagrid through Search


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Personal I am having a difficulty, to make a call in my previous parameter is to type the name of the staff and bring the record in the grid.

I’m using 3 layers, DAL, DTO, BLL;

Can you guide me? How can I proceed by typing the name of the person in the textbox, do the search, through the process.

All examples I saw calling from the textbox, is in the action of clicking the button. I don’t think it would be the best way.

  • because you think: Todos exemplos que eu vi chamando do textbox, é na ação do click do botão. Creio que não seria a melhor maneira. ???

  • I created the connection to the database through a dal class, I understand that in the action of the button is used the dal class method. If you can help me thank you so much.

  • if you had to put the code that you did what’s going wrong, or the doubts of that code!

  • DLLnamespace SistemaLocadoraVeiculos.CODE.BLL
{ public class Clientebll { Accessed bd = new Accessed(); Clientedto dto = new Clientedto(); public Datatable Selected() { Datatable dt = new Datatable(); bd. Connect(); dt = bd.Retdatatable("exec Query client " + "'"+dto.Name+"'"); Return dt; } } }

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