Open file . pas by explorer in win10


Viewed 148 times


I use Delphi 7 and after switching from windows 7 to windows 10 (Enterprise), I am no longer able to open files of the type .pas directly from the Explorer.

When I double-click the file .pas a new instance of Delphi is opened, but without bringing the desired file.

I tried to open the file running as administrator, but without success.

Whenever necessary to open a file .pas I need to open it using Opendialogs from Delphi itself.

Someone’s been through this before?

  • 1

    You need to put as default program Delphi to open . pas

1 answer


Change default programs in Windows 10

  1. On the menu Initiate , select Settings .
  2. Select Apps > Standard apps.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click "Set patterns by application
  4. Select the default application you want to set in case the (Delphi) and then choose the Extentions .

Ps: Applications need to be installed so you can set them as the default.

  • 1

    Following the steps, I did not find Delphi in the list of standards by applications. It is already installed a while ago on this computer. Checking on another computer with Windows 10 and Delphi the same does not appear also in this list.

  • 1

    you will have to add there should be an option to add program to the default programs. (I am not with win 10 open here to view). 100% more sure it is so to add default program in win 10

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