Good Practices for Moving JSON Object


Viewed 122 times


I have a grid (Kendo ui MVC) today has 35163 lines, and I need to create a button to export the contents of the grid to CSV.

I thought I would do something like this, the moment I load the information to power the grid, generate a JSON object and store that object in sessionStorage, then when generating the CSV, just take that data and send it to the controller, not needing to redo another query in the database.

If you do as I described above, can it impair performance? Does anyone have any better idea, which?

  • It is better you save it in session than redo the query, I see no problem in what you are proposing.

1 answer


I see no problem in redoing the query and generating the CSV file. It’s a lot of record to put in Session, with multiple accesses from different users, can easily overload the server memory. I recommend redoing the query and generating the CSV file. Think about changing this grid with so many logs and using paging resources.

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