Language for Backend and another in Frontend?


Viewed 93 times


I have a desktop program without GUI working in Python, I would like to add a GUI using another language mainly one with some visual editor ,C++ for example, to be a frontend, would that be possible? How impactful would it be in performance and usage? What do you think about ironpython?

Note: I have tried the PAGE, but I did not feel satisfied.

  • 1

    This seems to make little sense, I’ve seen people do the opposite.

1 answer


  • What would this IDE Drag and Drop be?

  • Are you sure they have Drag and Drop IDE, I couldn’t install either of the two options.... While to the topic itself, to make the GUI I recommend the Kivy if it’s simple, use the Tkinter, but it’s all in code base, unfortunately....

  • The IDE Drag and Drop is the "Qt Designer" to using, very good. Easy way to install is by using Pyside if you are using Python 2.7 with the command: Pip install Pyside If you are using Python 3.6 you can use Pyside2 or Qt itself downloaded from To program for Windows and Linux I think a thousand times better than Kivy.

  • See the image of this IDE here on my computer

  • I saw this QT, I tried to download the problem always, I will try later

  • I created an offline installation setup of it for Windows, works for Python 2.7, but for Python 3, it only works until Python version 3.4. I use Python 2.7 because most of the things I use are incompatible with Python 3. Here is the link, just download and run as administrator, are only 30MB. Link:

  • po, ai python 2.7 you break the legs kkkkkk

  • For Python 3.6 you will have to download from itself but then the download is more than 1GB, or download Pyside2.

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