I am working with a Main Form and it has several Panels. In one of them, the "Geral panel" I use to call the instances of new forms and show in it using the following code of the Formcall class:
public void chamaFormulario(Form form)
Form activeForm = frmMain.ActiveForm;
foreach (Panel painel in activeForm.Controls )
if(painel.Name == "panelGeral")
if(form != null)
form.TopLevel = false;
For example, when the program opens I call a Welcome Form as follows:
private void frmMain_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmInicio frm = new frmInicio();
formCall = new FormCall();
When I call the form frmClientes and when opening it, it has a "Back" button that aims to return to the welcome screen, which calls the following method:
private void btVoltarClientes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmInicio frm = new frmInicio();
FormCall form = new FormCall();
But noting the memory consumption in the VS2017 Community diagnostic tool, what was consuming 60MB over to 96MB, and if I open the customer form again and press back again, it goes up to 136MB... And so on and so forth.
What should I do to solve this high memory consumption?
This occurs after you click the button a few times?
– Maniero
Maniero. Yes! But the Rovann solution I think solved the problem.
– WitnessTruth