C# - High memory consumption when calling method


Viewed 36 times


I am working with a Main Form and it has several Panels. In one of them, the "Geral panel" I use to call the instances of new forms and show in it using the following code of the Formcall class:

public void chamaFormulario(Form form)
        Form activeForm = frmMain.ActiveForm;
        foreach (Panel painel in activeForm.Controls )
            if(painel.Name == "panelGeral")
                if(form != null)
                    form.TopLevel = false;

For example, when the program opens I call a Welcome Form as follows:

private void frmMain_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
        frmInicio frm = new frmInicio();
        formCall = new FormCall();

When I call the form frmClientes and when opening it, it has a "Back" button that aims to return to the welcome screen, which calls the following method:

private void btVoltarClientes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        frmInicio frm = new frmInicio();
        FormCall form = new FormCall();            

But noting the memory consumption in the VS2017 Community diagnostic tool, what was consuming 60MB over to 96MB, and if I open the customer form again and press back again, it goes up to 136MB... And so on and so forth.

What should I do to solve this high memory consumption?

  • This occurs after you click the button a few times?

  • Maniero. Yes! But the Rovann solution I think solved the problem.

1 answer


Try while removing the controls from the panel (painel.Controls.Clear();) discard the forms:

painel.ControlRemoved += (ss, ee) => { ee.Control.Dispose(); };
  • Wow, kind of solved the problem. Now it’s consuming around 38~55MB, I tried clicking and clicking several times. That would be the solution even hehe?

  • 1

    yes, you’re putting the forms inside the panel, and when you remove, they’re still attached and in memory... the Dispose will discard them

  • Thank you Rovann. It worked and solved the problem

  • 2

    I gave one more because it solves the problem, but this is tragic, the ideal is to rearquitete so you don’t have to do this anymore.

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