How to read the data typed by the user in an Edittext and display in a new Activity in Android Studio? I’ve tried a few ways, but when showing it in the other Activity only appears "false".
How to read the data typed by the user in an Edittext and display in a new Activity in Android Studio? I’ve tried a few ways, but when showing it in the other Activity only appears "false".
Learn Java or Kotlin before you start, it will be very good for your knowledge, because Android revolves around these languages of object-oriented programming.
How To Do:
private EditText mEditText;
mEditText = findViewById(R.id.NOME_DA_ID);
public void onClickButton(){
Button mBtn= findViewById(R.id.NOME_DA_ID);
mBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("TAG", mEditText.getText());
Intent intent = new Intent(this, OutraActivity.class);
Edittext: Class that has all the context from where you are typing the value, create a private variable and create get and set from it to insert and pick values;
Bundle: You will pass the information you want to another Activity, through a "TAG";
Intent: Will change Activity along with the Bundle to pass the information to another Activity;
Browser other questions tagged java android android-activity edittext
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