Read from a pre line defined in txt


Viewed 85 times


I am making a txt file to save some information of a root user (user,password,name,Cpf,email) in order, and I would like to know how to read only the line that I would like, Cpf or email or user.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • The CPF and Email line is always the same?

  • yes, it’s always the same

1 answer


You can do it this way

string cpf = File.ReadAllLines(@"caminho\arquivo.txt")[3];

in case is passed the line index(3 because the indicies start at 0)

Another alternative is to put all lines in a list of string and then take the desired element

List<string> linhas = File.ReadAllLines(@"caminho\arquivo.txt").ToList();

string cpf = linhas.ElementAt(3);

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