Separates result within each


Viewed 48 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I have an ajax function where I read the data within a $.each() , the image above contains the result of this each. I am trying inside this same each to separate in two arrays the data that coincide between question and graph, because I will generate in this case two graphs containing the data, one on the question1 and graph Column and the other with the data from the Survey 2 and graph Bar.

I appreciate the help!

  • ever tried to use an if within $.each?

  • I’ve thought about it but it occurs that the value inside the question is dynamic, that is at a time {question:"you’re employed",answer:"Yes"} will be different from the print so I didn’t do an if, but you have some suggestion how to do it without stipulating a fixed string in if?

  • No. I’m talking about the if only of the graphic column, for example: if( j.grafico == 'Column' ) or the Bar

  • @adventistaam , thanks for the help ! I will aggregate with if s the other graphics options.

2 answers


You can do it this way, creating the two new arrays and doing the .push within the .each. In the example below you just need to change the variables according to the ones you use in your code:

var array_original = []; // array original, resultado do each
var array_col = []; // nova array com pergunta1 e Column
var array_bar = []; // nova array com pergunta2 e Bar

$.each($("div"), function(i,e){
   var dataPergunta = $(e).data("pergunta");
   var dataGrafico = $(e).data("grafico");
      "pergunta" : dataPergunta,
      "resposta" : $(e).data("resposta"),
      "grafico" : dataGrafico,
      "qt" : $(e).data("qt").toString()
   // adiciona às novas arrays
   var novaArray;
   if(dataPergunta == "pergunta1" && dataGrafico == "Column"){
      novaArray = array_col;
   }else if(dataPergunta == "pergunta2" && dataGrafico == "Bar"){
      novaArray = array_bar;

         "pergunta" : dataPergunta,
         "resposta" : $(e).data("resposta"),
         "grafico" : dataGrafico,
         "qt" : $(e).data("qt").toString()

console.log("Original", array_original);
console.log("Column", array_col);
console.log("Bar", array_bar);
<script src=""></script>
<div data-pergunta="pergunta1" data-resposta="item1" data-grafico="Column" data-qt="3">1</div>
<div data-pergunta="pergunta1" data-resposta="item2" data-grafico="Column" data-qt="2">2</div>
<div data-pergunta="pergunta2" data-resposta="item1" data-grafico="Bar" data-qt="1">3</div>
<div data-pergunta="pergunta2" data-resposta="item2" data-grafico="Bar" data-qt="1">4</div>
<div data-pergunta="pergunta2" data-resposta="item3" data-grafico="Bar" data-qt="3">5</div>
<div data-pergunta="pergunta3" data-resposta="item3" data-grafico="Bar" data-qt="3">6</div>

  • worked perfectly! Thank you very much !!


As the data is dynamic you can filter only from the chart column as in the example:

var original = [
  {pergunta: "pergunta1", resposta: "item1", grafico: "Column", qt: "3"},
  {pergunta: "pergunta1", resposta: "item2", grafico: "Column", qt: "2"},
  {pergunta: "pergunta2", resposta: "item1", grafico: "Bar", qt: "1"},
  {pergunta: "pergunta2", resposta: "item2", grafico: "Bar", qt: "1"},
  {pergunta: "pergunta2", resposta: "item3", grafico: "Bar", qt: "3"},

var column = []
var bar    = []
var divColumn = "Column <br>";
var divBar = "Bar <br>";
$.each( original, function(i, j){
    if( j.grafico === 'Bar' ){
      divBar += JSON.stringify( original[i] )+"<br>";
     divColumn += JSON.stringify( original[i] )+"<br>";
     column.push( original[i] )
} )
console.log( bar ) 
console.log( column ) 
$('.bar').append( divBar )
$('.bar').append( divColumn )
  <div class="bar"></div>
  <div class="column"></div>

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