What tool to use to convert a visually developed UML to code?


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I need an Eclipse tool/plugin that allows me to develop diagrams of classes, activities and sequence in UML and that manages the code.

I usually use Eclipse with Omondo plugin, but it seems to be discontinued. The last version I got was Eclipse 2.1, it must be about 3 years old.

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    Although the question makes a recommendation, it is setting specific requirements. The question is not bad and should not have been closed. see more in http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/488/gorilla-vs-shark and http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/57/devemos-aceitar-questoes-de-recomendacao. Voting to reopen

5 answers


The Eclipse Modeling Tools is an Eclipse distribution made especially for modeling, which includes UML 2.0. Just download the package.


To OMONDO continues distributing Eclipseuml for new versions of Eclipse, unfortunately there is no trial for these products, you will need to test Eclipseuml with Eclipse Galileo or earlier (honestly I would not invest in a company with these policies, especially when you consider the price practiced by them).

In the case of integrated solutions (and in this specific case proprietary ones) I would recommend the Visual Paradigm UML - the community version unfortunately is not able to generate code, but you get a trial of a commercial version on the site. The tool is pretty cool, and I consider the price practiced just for a tool of this complexity.

The options Open Source, mostly orbiting around the EMF. The best known are the Papyrus and the Topcased. You’ll still need something to turn models into code, for example the Acceleo. It is at this point that tools like Uml to Java Generator take the stage.

Finally, nothing prevents you from using only the standard EMF (Ecore / Genmodel) tools. In this case I agree with @utluiz, and recommend that you download an EMT distro; keep in mind however that the experience is quite different from Eclipseuml. Without the help of others plugins the process to create the diagrams and generate code from them is fairly complex:

  • Create an EMF project
  • Create Encore Diagrams - the experience here is not as intuitive as with more refined CASE tools
  • Create an EMF Generator Model
  • Finally, from the model, generate Java code

If you are going to try to go this way I recommend the tutorial on the website of Lars Vogel.



You can use a Papyrus editor/plugin provided by Eclipse through the website:
Papyrus Eclipse Update. Particularly supporting UML and other related modeling languages such as Sysml and MARTE.

But you can also use online editing sites very complete, generates code and has several diagrams with examples: UML Tool & UML Diagram


Running a little away from the plugins field and going to specific IDE’s for this, there are some great professional and respected tools from which it is possible to do this and more. The best known are the Enterprise Architect and the Magic Draw.

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