What is 'read coherence' in a database?


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I’m doing an article on the Oracle DBMS. And when version 4 was released, it was the first database to have readability. However, I can’t find what that or what this functionality means for the context of the time, or even today.

  • Give context..

  • Good! I don’t have much context, because I’m giving I databases in college, so I can’t imagine a scenario. The only thing I have is this article by Devmedia. Obs1: year 1984; Obs2: Mineiro, you already asked me a question about a calculator I made in C#, you said at the time that my code was horrendous. kkkkkk... today I understand this. Thank you!

  • The term in English is read Consistency, and by what it says here there are different levels of consistency.

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