How to put icon next to text?


Viewed 3,856 times


Guys, I’m trying to put an image/icon on the side of a sentence, only the image goes up, it’s on top. How do I fix this?

Ex: (icon) Contact Us

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    Bruno puts the code he has already developed. To know how to ask questions on the site of a look

  • the <img> tag is an inline tag, text too. If you do this: <p><img src="..." /> Hello</p> You have to stay on the side. I believe you are doing so: <img src="..."><p>Hello</p> This way you will fall, because <p> is a block tag.

2 answers


Just insert the image into the html inside the paragraph <p><img></p>, and adjust the image size:

<p><img src=""> Fale Conosco </p>


it is always good practice to use flexbox:

display: flex;
<div class="mycontainer">

<img src="" alt="">
lorem ipsum

Follow a link with great content on flexbox practice, helps a lot in day-to-day life: flexbox

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