Delete in 2 tables at the same time in a single query


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I have the following query:

DELETE FROM emails,emailsacompanhamento 
USING emails,emailsacompanhamento 
WHERE emails.idEmail = emailsacompanhamento.idEmail AND 
emails.idEmail = ".$idEmail

That makes a kind of JOIN in 2 tables and deletes in both at once.

Everything works well. But I need to create a parole that says:

if on the table entanglement there is no record whose field idEmail is equal to idEmail table Emails referenced in query, the query delete the table record Emails and disregard the table entanglement.

What would that be like query?

  • If on the table emailsacompanhamento no records, I only delete the table record emails or do nothing? It got a little confusing for me.

  • Only delete the record in the emails table

  • And if there are records on the table emailsacompanhamento ? Delete both?

  • Already used the cascade drop?

  • This, if there is email and there is no companion, only delete the email. And if there are both delete everything

1 answer


Use the DELETE with JOIN, in your case would look like this:

$sql = "
    DELETE emails, emailsacompanhamento FROM `emails`
    LEFT JOIN `emailsacompanhamento ` ON `emails`.`idEmail` = `emailsacompanhamento `.`idEmail`
    WHERE `emails`.`idEmail` = ".$idEmail;


In the SELECT you define which field will be returned before the FROM, example: SELECT campo1, campo2... FROM sua_tabela. In the case of DELETE you cannot delete a specific field, or delete all or delete nothing.

In a DELETE simple, you do not need to inform the table before the FROM, being like this:

DELETE FROM sua_tabela WHERE campo1 = value1;

But when the DELETE is composed of JOIN it is necessary to inform which tables will have the record removed if the condition returns True. These tables will be before the FROM as an example:

DELETE tabela1 FROM tabela1
INNER JOIN tabela2 ON tabela1.campo1 = tabela2.campo2

In the above example, only the table records tabela1 will be removed if the check tabela1.campo1 = tabela2.campo2 be it True.

  • FROM curso??? I don’t understand

  • I changed it, it was the table I tested here, malz.

  • worked out here, thanks. I just didn’t understand it: DELETE emails, emailsacompanagement FROM emails. How table names can function as attributes?

  • This is because you can’t only delete some columns from tables or delete the entire row or delete nothing. If the answer solved your problem of a upvote and signal as the solution to the question.

  • I edited the answer, see if that way it is possible to better understand.

  • got it: very well explained! Thank you!

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