Link Combo Box to Mysql Database - netbeans


Viewed 246 times


I created a database to store employees and departments. in netbeans I created the employee class and department with their respective ID, put a Frame with a combo box to pull all employees automatically and departments, right-clicked the combo box and went on link, put the database and such, however, it is happening that when I run the program the value " IDFUNC = 1",

someone who knows could help me in a simple way as I properly link the combo box to get information from a table of the MYSQL database?


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    If you read the posts I suggested carefully, you can certainly do it. The way your question is, it’s hard to help. there is no specific problem, which alias can be solved in N forms. If the links do not resolve and so the question is not closed, edit it and provide a [mcve] so that we can execute your code and suggest some solution.

  • Good morning Friend, thank you for your help, but I wanted to highlight something I did not mention and I apologize.. my program is practically raw, I just created frames with fields of registration and Jcombobox, I had the idea to search the objects of my database and bring through these combobox and I’m having difficulties with the tool link objects of netbeans. I read the links you gave me but still got confused, tried to implement but could not..

  • Edmundo, if you won’t provide one [mcve], will hardly get help. I suggest you seek to read the link and provide a.

  • They are not links.It is easy to read the link I sent you and provide a code that reproduces your doubt and that is executable by anyone, putting external link of the entire project does not help much, even more difficult. Follow my tips, read the link, and after reading, provide an example as explained in it by clicking on [Edit].

  • I understood, but how can I put the link for you to run when I just created the class and made the jframe for object orientation has no code.. I don’t know how to help you :(

  • Did you read it? I recommend you read it, then explain in detail what you need to do.

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