How much can I use Instagram data on a Crawler?


Viewed 413 times


I’m just curious, but these days Instagram has generated me certain doubts. I have already made a simple Rawler using Beautifulsoup to extract date and receive daily information from new posts. The question is, can I extract information from my profile? How many times a user x has viewed, how many times a user x has searched my user. I read their entire security term and I know they keep that kind of information, but is it possible for me to have that kind of access or is it something restricted to them? Excuse the question "simple".

  • 3

    Using the API from them and with the user’s permission you can probably access all the information that is public:

1 answer


If the information is not public (or you do not have access after logging in), it is not possible to scrap it. Sometimes the information is loaded but not shown; hence, an analysis of the requests that come and go and the hidden elements of the page may reveal something, but I believe there is nothing like this with Instagram.

Outside crawlers, one can take a look at Instagram API as mentioned in @Sorack’s comment, but I haven’t found anything like what you want; it’s probably something they don’t provide.

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