Common conveter array in associative array


Viewed 82 times


I need to transform this array:

                [0] => Array
                        [name] => Email
                        [value] => [email protected]

                [1] => Array
                        [name] => Telefone
                        [value] => 22222222222222

                [2] => Array
                        [name] => Code
                        [value] => D9CI8C

                [3] => Array
                        [name] => Nome
                        [value] => Igor de Oliveir

                [4] => Array
                        [name] => Problema
                        [value] => teste



In an Assoc array, which is in format:

   ['email'] = [email protected]
   ['telefone'] = 2222222

and so on, I tried to apply a foreach, but it returns me the same original array:

$arrayfields = $node['fields'];
    $newarrray = array();
    foreach ($arrayfields as $name => $value) {
      $newarrray[$name] = $value;


3 answers


If you always have the vector with 'name' and 'value', you can do it more simply:

$arrayfields = $node['fields'];
$newarrray = array();
foreach ($arrayfields as $item){
    $newarrray[$item['name']] = $item['value'];


There are two ways to do this, the first with array_column() that extract a column/key from an array that in case will do this twice, one to name and another to value finally array_combine() creates a new array where keys are the result of name and the values the extraction of value

Example - Idone


$arr = array(array('name' => 'email', 'value' => '[email protected]'),
             array('name' => 'code', 'value' => 'D9CI8C'),
             array('name' => 'nome', 'value' => 'fulano'),
             array('name' => 'problema', 'value' => 'algo errado')

$novo = array_combine(array_column($arr,'name'), array_column($arr,'value'));


Or just with a foreach:

$novo = array();
foreach($arr as $item) $novo[$item['name']] = $item['value'];


Example - ideone

In both codes the output is:

    [email] => [email protected]
    [code] => D9CI8C
    [nome] => fulano
    [problema] => algo errado


You couldn’t because you have one array within your first array in which you rotate the foreach, this will work:


$array_errado = array(
    0 => array(
        'name' => 'email',
        'value' => '[email protected]'
    1 => array(
        'name' => 'telefone',
        'value' => '3445-4545'
    2 => array(
        'name' => 'code',
        'value' => 'D9CI8C'

$array_certo = array();

foreach ($array_errado as $sub_array) {
    foreach ($sub_array as $key => $value) {
        $array_certo[$key] = $value;

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