Get input ids using for no js


Viewed 17 times


Hello, I’m trying to take the value of 10 inputs and put them in a vector of 10 houses, but I’m not able to do it for the sake of, can someone help me to get no off var n[0] for example take the value of inputVetor0?

var i;
function calcularMaior() {
    var n = new Array(10);
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        var input = "input";
        var inputNumero = "" + i.toString();
        var inputId = input.concat(inputNumero);
        n[i] = document.getElementById(inputId).innerHTML;
    alert("Array 0 = " + n[0];

Complete code:

1 answer


You’re trying to catch the innerHTML of the inputs when should take the value:

n[i] = document.getElementById(inputId).value;
  • thanks bro, I’m very new still, I had based on a similar problem and adapted, so I didn’t understand what was to do, really worth.

  • Tip: innerHTML is what stands between <tag> and </tag>. Notice that inputs have no closing tag. With inputs and selects you should always use value to obtain the current value.

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