Convert char to integer in C#


Viewed 546 times


Reading a blog article, I came across the following syntax for converting char to integer:

string value = "123";
foreach (var c in value)
    if (char.IsDigit(c))
        int digito = c - '0';

I wonder why this conversion works.

3 answers



According to the documentation of the C#, the char can be converted implicitly to int

(... ) char can be converted implicitly to ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double or `decimal.

However, beware of unexpected results. A explanation by @Virgilionovic justifies why operations like this:

char op1 = '3';
char op2 = '1';

Console.WriteLine("Resultado: " + (op1 + op2).ToString());

Does not result in 4:

`Resultado: 100`

Because (int)op1 is 51 and (int)op2 is 49.

See this example in dotnetfiddle.;


you must use Tostring() not to use ASC code and then Tryparse to verify that it is integer.

string value = "123";
foreach (var c in value)
            short digito;
            if(Int16.TryParse(c.ToString(),out digito))

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