How to encode with Email Marketing?


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I’m starting with Email Marketing, never done before and am facing a world of difficulties. Through the tutorials seen on the internet, I could draw the following conclusions:

  • We use table so that it has a greater abrângencia and so does not have layout break.
  • We use class style with [], because it is more conventional *ex: tr[class="foo"]{}
  • We use inline styles style="" because email tools don’t understand the tag <style></style>
  • The web has evolved a lot, but the way to make code for email marketing is still well outdated

If everything above is right, I have some questions regarding responsive email marketing:

1) Trying to send a responsive email marketing template I downloaded on the net works from a tool I used to call Putsmail, but when I try to see GMAIL directly called Gmail Append HTML, it doesn’t get responsive. Why? What’s the difference between the two?

2) How the Media Queries being that the style is inline? As far as I know there is no way to put media queries in inline style

3) In various email marketing tutorials, the instructor puts the <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> in the head, if it’s all inline, how does the meta tag get inserted just to view the layout? in the end, who will send is the meta tag of the site in which the end user access, right?

Thank you!

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    1. no way to do this inline. 3) Any meta tag will be ignored, no use... On the resposivity, the table accepts width in %, so you can put the widths two TD 50% wide. You just won’t be able to make this TD stay with 100% mobile and 50% desktop, so you have to think about the fluid layout. Inside the TD you can use floats and aligns to try to qubrar the lines etc. Gmail and Outlook in particular do not accept almost anything CSS, Outlook has even some CSS itself is fucking tidy
  • @hugocsl Opa! It’s lightened!! the MJML tool can do this responsiveness. Although I want to do it in hand to learn, she is a hand on the wheel... How can she solve the question of responsiveness? Would you know me? Thank you!!

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    Guy just inspecting the code even to see what’s there rss. We learn a lot by copying what’s right :D

  • Got it... and you could answer me question 1? Because I saw GMAIL does not work responsiveness and via this tool Postmail responsiveness works?

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    Dude can’t tell, just taking a look at the source code. Try to inspect the code like Chrome Devtools and see what’s in the body of the email. Script and Iframes I know email clients ignore. Some ignore the tag style, others do not... Gmail as far as I know does not accept. But you can do a Google search on "Gmail Responsive Email"

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