Centralize Ubmit in form


Viewed 835 times


I have the print below:

Print da tela

I’m trying to give a margin: 0 auto in the botão submit within the form but nothing I do centralization that button. But I can’t do text-align: center otherwise it will center all the elements of the form.

Here is the **form**:

<div class="administrador">

  <h1 class="titulos">Cadastro de Administrador</h1>

  <form class="administradorCadastra">

      <label class="labelPequeno">Tipo</label><select id="tipo" name="tipo" required  class="typeTextMedio">
        <option value="">Escolha o tipo</option>
        <option value="s">Super Administrador </option>
        <option value="c">Comum Administrador </option>
      </select><br /> <br />
      <label class="labelPequeno">Nome</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="200" id="nome" name="nome" required /> <br /> <br />
      <label class="labelPequeno">Login</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="<?php echo $constantes->getLenLogin(); ?>" id="login" name="login" required /> <br /> <br />
      <label class="labelPequeno">Senha</label><input type="password" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="<?php echo $constantes->getLenSenha(); ?>" id="senha" name="senha" required /> <br /> <br />

      <img class="spinner" src="../_img/_bannerImgs/spinner.gif" />          
      <input type="submit" class="btnAcesso" value="Cadastrar Administrador" /><br /> <br />

      <label class="resposta"></label>



What to do?

3 answers


This occurs because the input is an element of the inline, he does not recognize the values of margim. But if you put him with display:block it will take the value of margens and is centralized.

See in the example to better understand. Note that just put display:block and margin:auto that the input centered. OBS: I didn’t even touch your HTML only with CSS solved.

form [type="submit"] {
    display: block;
    margin: auto;
<div class="administrador">

        <h1 class="titulos">Cadastro de Administrador</h1>
        <form class="administradorCadastra">
            <label class="labelPequeno">Tipo</label><select id="tipo" name="tipo" required  class="typeTextMedio">
                <option value="">Escolha o tipo</option>
                <option value="s">Super Administrador </option>
                <option value="c">Comum Administrador </option>
            </select><br /> <br />
            <label class="labelPequeno">Nome</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="200" id="nome" name="nome" required /> <br /> <br />
            <label class="labelPequeno">Login</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="<?php echo $constantes->getLenLogin(); ?>" id="login" name="login" required /> <br /> <br />
            <label class="labelPequeno">Senha</label><input type="password" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="<?php echo $constantes->getLenSenha(); ?>" id="senha" name="senha" required /> <br /> <br />
            <img class="spinner" src="../_img/_bannerImgs/spinner.gif" />          
            <input type="submit" class="btnAcesso" value="Cadastrar Administrador" /><br /> <br />
            <label class="resposta"></label>

  • Yeah, it kind of worked. But I can think of a question here: If only block elements receive dimensions, why even without display: block it is receiving dimensions? And in the inspector, the browser listed it as inline-block. In this case, it would not be the case, that if it receives dimensions also it should not receive the border: the self?

  • 1

    You can help me with this one more time: https://answall.com/questions/301056/encurtar-camio-com-jquery please?

  • @Carlosrock the difference from inline to inline-block is that inline-block can have width and height etc, but at the same time it continues in the "Line" text flow with the other inline and inline-block elements. It doesn’t break the line like a div, a P or an H1 for example understands. I’ll see if I can help you with the other question you linked

  • 1

    The inline one I understand now. Thank you! I never forget again.


You can leave the button inside a div separate and centralize it within.


<div class="administrador">

  <h1 class="titulos">Cadastro de Administrador</h1>

  <form class="administradorCadastra">

      <label class="labelPequeno">Tipo</label><select id="tipo" name="tipo" required  class="typeTextMedio">
        <option value="">Escolha o tipo</option>
        <option value="s">Super Administrador </option>
        <option value="c">Comum Administrador </option>
      </select><br /> <br />
      <label class="labelPequeno">Nome</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="200" id="nome" name="nome" required /> <br /> <br />
      <label class="labelPequeno">Login</label><input type="text" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="<?php echo $constantes->getLenLogin(); ?>" id="login" name="login" required /> <br /> <br />
      <label class="labelPequeno">Senha</label><input type="password" class="typeTextMedio" maxlength="<?php echo $constantes->getLenSenha(); ?>" id="senha" name="senha" required /> <br /> <br />

      <div class="baseCenter">
      <img class="spinner" src="../_img/_bannerImgs/spinner.gif" /> 
      <input type="submit" class="btnAcesso" value="Cadastrar Administrador" />
      <br /> <br />

      <label class="resposta"></label>



In the above example I just added the button inside a div with class .baseCenter. In this class, I centralize all the elements inside it using display:flex.



.center {
  text-align: center;


<div class="center">
   <img class="spinner" src="../_img/_bannerImgs/spinner.gif" />          
   <input type="submit" class="btnAcesso" value="Cadastrar Administrador" /><br /> <br /> 

Put what you want to center on one div and applies the text-align: center;

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