I saw a comment from @Ricardopunctual that mentioned Density-based index hints
your question seems very confusing. it starts with a very basic thing such as "how do I process in sql server", which is too simple to find in Google and end up talking in index hints based on density, something very advanced, doesn’t make much sense to me
It gave me some doubts:
- What are hints index?
- What are hints density based index?
- There are other types of hints?
- It would be possible to add examples, independent of the database?
BS¹:If you have something more on the subject, feel free to add
BS²:If I used any term erroneously, can correct the question
In Oracle is a tip that you , carbon unit , humbly , with due reverence , gives to the execution analyzer, by experience I say in few cases works , but I’ve had significant improvements with a simple "hint". https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14211/hintsref.htm#i8327
– Motta