Offset and limit Mysql problem


Viewed 304 times


When performing a query using limit and offset the database returns a line less than it should. What’s the problem? Cache? Lock? Index? Dice?

For example:

select distinct(id_table1) from table_1
join table_2 on table_2.id_table2 = table1.id_table2
where table2.campo = numero_qualquer
limit 100
offset 523800;

The above query returns 99 results instead of 100.

If I do the same query with limit 1 and offset 523842 returns 0 results. Note that if I increase the limit to 2 returns 1. I do not know why this line is not displayed it is apparently counted by the offset to jump but is not displayed in the limit result.

Tables are in Myisam, I’ve noticed index and data and nothing works.

  • Are you using any ide? Workbench? if run in command line what happens?

  • the same thing happens

1 answer


The problem is that when you make one LIMIT with GROUP_BY or DISTINCT the OFFSET changes according to the created grouping. then the id 523800 does not reference his position in TABELA and yes its position in the grouping, so when the grouping was created, you may no longer have 100 records from that index but only 99.

Try to increase the number of LIMIT for 200, it will continue to be 99.

  • as I informed if the offset is 523842 and the limit of 1 the database returns 0 records if the limit is 2 returns 1, so that’s where the problem is, if I make a limit of 200 it returns 199 records, from that point onwards it is always returned one less, the select in question has more than 3 million results

  • Well what I was able to analyze yesterday was this, which I put as a response, I even did a simulation with a lot of data here, but it’s really hard without the real data. =/

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