Ionic 2 Offline


Viewed 33 times


Good night! I have an app created in Ionic and all the information is currently online on a server and the app makes the request, the server returns the data, assembles the page and Ok. But it will come to a point where some of this information should be shown offline. Is it possible/feasible because of the limitations of the Internet to record some of this data online on Offline or Sqlite so that they can have access to some information? Or do you have ways to feed this Storage or Sqlite automatically from this mysql online? Thank you

  • Yes it is possible. Hence the rest will depend on the amount of information that will be recorded. If it is small Storage solves, if much, Sqllite will be the best option.

  • Oops, nice to know Cassio. You recommend or have some example/tutorial to base to implement this?

  • What types of data do you want to record?

  • i wish to record numbers and text(varchar 50 max)...these numbers would be like coupons for people

  • then this link will help you:

  • Cassio thank you for your attention man! Thank you

  • I hope it works out.

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