How to save the obtained medias in a dataframe, in a new column containing the averages of this dataframe using pandas?


Viewed 1,847 times


Good night, I have a problem trying to save values of the average of a df, in a single column. An example of how I wanted you to stay was:


In this first part, I just opened my dataframe and transpires to get with the function Mean() the values of the averages.

Maybe it’s a bit of a dumb question, but I’m really not getting to put the values of the media I got in that Mean() function in a new column with such values. Is there any way to do that? Thank you very much!!

1 answer


To put the average in the last column, it is necessary:

  1. Turn first row into header

  2. Calculate the mean on the vertical axis (axis=0)

  3. Indicate that you want the (average) calculation only with the numerical values, otherwise the Labels (e.g., 'consumption1') will interfere in the calculation.

Below is how to insert the media column':

# Cria o DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'cliente':[1,2,3],'consumo1':[10,11,45],'consumo2':[12,20,10],'consumo3':[13,45,18]})

# Transpõe
df_transp = df.T

# Saída
           0   1   2
cliente    1   2   3
consumo1  10  11  45
consumo2  12  20  10
consumo3  13  45  18

# Seta o nome das colunas para os valores da primeira linha
df_transp.columns = df_transp.iloc[0]

# Define os dados começando a partir da segunda linha
df_transp = df_transp[1:]

# Saída
cliente    1   2   3
consumo1  10  11  45
consumo2  12  20  10
consumo3  13  45  18

# AQUI => Cria a coluna 'media' com os valores 
# da média (apenas para valores numéricos) calculados 
# no eixo vertical (axis=0)
df_transp.loc[:,'media'] = df_transp.mean(numeric_only=True, axis=0).values

# Saída
cliente    1   2   3      media
consumo1  10  11  45  11.666667
consumo2  12  20  10  25.333333
consumo3  13  45  18  24.333333
  • 1

    Managed to remedy my doubts, and still managed to apply in other situations, thank you!!

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