How to mount this SQL to bring months that are not in the list?


Viewed 315 times


The SQL below brings the number of entries made month by month, until then blz. I needed to show the last 6 months, even if it was zero, but in this select it would only bring when there are records.

  extract(month from data_cad) as mes,
  count(*) as qtd
from mv_clientes
where (ativo not in('C'))
and (data_cad between '2017-12-01' and '2018-05-31')
group by 1

I am using Mysql, but do not know comes to the case, I could see SQL on another basis and translate pro Mysql

The result of this SQL is this

mes qtd
3 | 5
4 | 8
5 | 23

I needed you to be:

mes qtd
12 | 0 
 1 | 0
 2 | 0
 3 | 5
 4 | 8
 5 | 23

3 answers


Like the select will return only existing data, you can create a table with the months and do the left join with this table, grouping by month and doing the count in the mv_clients table, for example:

select x.mes, count(m.data_cad) qtd
  from meses x
  left join mv_clientes m on x.mes = extract(month from m.data_cad)
  group by x.mes

Here a working example:! 9/b2072d/1

  • Good, this tip even gave me another idea, in this table of months I can have the months shortened and whole, Ex, JANEIRO, JAN, so I avoid the command with those old routines with CASE to keep picking the names of the months

  • I was using UNION to bring the months zero, but the select gets huge and horrible

  • yes, the left join already solved, and already did Join, by the names of the months is already easy


As there are no lines for the months, can do by Queries:

(select count(*) as jan from  mv_clientes where (ativo not in('C'))
and  extract(month from data_cad) = 1 and  extract(year from data_cad) = 2018 JAN,

(select count(*) as jan from  mv_clientes where (ativo not in('C'))
and  extract(month from data_cad) = 2 and  extract(year from data_cad) = 2018 FEV,

(select count(*) as jan from  mv_clientes where (ativo not in('C'))
and  extract(month from data_cad) = 3 and  extract(year from data_cad) = 2018 MAR,

(select count(*) as jan from  mv_clientes where (ativo not in('C'))
and  extract(month from data_cad) = 12 and  extract(year from data_cad) = 2018 DEZ

without from

Or create a table mv_mes, and make a left Join.


Following the answers of the friends I found another difficulty, when I do the select I need to sort by date/ month, but in the months that have nothing it brings zero and there is no date for ordering, this way I can not have the result 12/1/2/3/4/5 that would be the last 6 months.

The solution I arrived at was this::

select m.indice, m.mes, count(cli.cod_id) as total 
from ( 
select 1 as indice, 05 as mes 
union all 
select 2 as indice, 04 as mes 
union all 
select 3 as indice, 03 as mes 
union all 
select 4 as indice, 02 as mes 
union all 
select 5 as indice, 01 as mes 
union all 
select 6 as indice, 12 as mes ) as m left 
join mv_clientes cli on(extract(month from cli.data_cad) = m.mes) 
and (cli.ativo not in('C')) 
group by 1, 2
order by 1 desc

That way I create an index and force the sequence as I want

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