Update Error Oledb C#


Viewed 43 times


I cannot use the UPDATE command more than once.




For example, when I do the update on id 43, sure. But when I try to finish 44, it does not finish, but 43 that gets the update..


Int att,index;

Private void Datagrid_cellclick(Object Sender, Datagridviewcelleventsargs and) {

   if(e.RowIndex >= 0)

         Index = e.RowIndex;                                               
         att = Convert.ToInt32(DataGrid.Rows[Index].Cells[0].Value);

} //when I click on a cell, Att receives the number that is//within it, in the case of the ID in the database tb. And index receives the index of the line.

private void Btnfnz_Click(objetc sender, EventArgs e)
     If(index >=0)
          var linha = DataGrid1.Rows[index];
          cn.Connection = Conexão.conectar();
          cn.CommandText = "UPDATE Atendimento SET HorarioOut = ' " + Txthr.Text + " ' WHERE ID=@att";
          cn.Connection = Conexão.desconectar();
           MessageBox.Show("Lista vazia!");
     Refreshatt(); //Carrega o datagrid com dados do banco dados, onde horarioOut estiver em branco.

Everything works fine, but when I try to do a new update, it does, but in msm ID, it is fixed in the first ID I did the update.

  • Missing database schema and an example of the sql update you are using

  • Sorry, I couldn’t make it. Now it’s gone, thank you!

  • Put your code as text the editor has tools for this. Use images unless necessary

  • Where is the assignment of att?

  • Ready put the code, is that I am without internet in the computer..

  • I declared the int variable att; between functions within the form...

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