Java Nullpointerexception error in construction


Viewed 46 times


main java.

package projeto;

import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public class projetoDB {
     static final String ConnectionURL = "jdbc:sqlserver://;" + "databaseName=projetoDB;integratedSecurity=true;";

    public static void main(String[] args){       
        String User = "dema";
        String Password = "123456";
        Connection con = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;


            stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT nomemed FROM medicos WHERE crm=''");            
            ResultSetMetaData colunas = rs.getMetaData();
            int numeroColunas = colunas.getColumnCount();

            while ({
                for (int i=1; i<=numeroColunas; i++)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "dados do médico " + rs.getObject(i));

            con = DriverManager.getConnection(ConnectionURL, User, Password);
            System.out.println("Conexão Obtida com Sucesso!/n");

            String SQL = "SELECT nomemed FROM medicos WHERE crm=''";

            stmt = con.createStatement();
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);
            System.out.println("informações do Banco de Dados");

            for (int i=1; i<=numeroColunas; i++)

            while ({

                for (int i=1; i<=numeroColunas; i++)

        catch(Exception e){



            catch (Exception erro){


    void buscar(int crm) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

java doctors.

package projeto;

public class Medicos {

    private int crm;
    private String nomemed;
    private String especialidademed;

    public Medicos (int crm, String nomemed, String especialidademed){

        this.crm = crm;
        this.nomemed = nomemed;
        this.especialidademed = especialidademed;

    public int getCrm(){
        return crm;

    public void setCrm(int crm){
        this.crm = crm;

    public String getNomemed(){
        return nomemed;

    public void setNomemed(String nomemed){
        this.nomemed = nomemed;

    public String getEspecialidademed(){
        return especialidademed;

    public void setEspecialidademed(String especialidademed){
        this.especialidademed = especialidademed;

    public String toString(){
        return "medicos{" + "crm=" + crm + ", nomemed=" + nomemed + ", especialidademed=" + especialidademed + '}';

Error this one!

    at projeto.projetoDB.main(
    at projeto.projetoDB.main(
CONSTRUÍDO COM SUCESSO (tempo total: 0 segundos)**

How do I solve this ? There have been several mistakes, I was solving little by little, but I could not understand more..

  • Where are lines 26 and 65 highlighted in error?

  • If your main class is just that, you have an error in it, Voce uses the connection and hasn’t even created an instance yet.

1 answer


Your mistake is here:

stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT nomemed FROM medicos WHERE crm=''"); 

The variable con was declared here:

Connection con = null;

The problem is that it was never initialized, so when you tried to access the method prepareStatement() in a null object, the program launched a NullPointerException.

Another problem is this line here:

ResultSetMetaData colunas = rs.getMetaData();

The variable rs was declared, but not initialized, so this line will also launch a NullPointerException.

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