How do I put a scrollbar on the materialize card?


Viewed 163 times


<div class="col s12 m4 l8">
  <div class="card-panel">
    <h4><center>Título da Reunião</center></h4>
    <div id="primary">
    <div id="log">
       <span class="long-content">&nbsp;</span>
<div id="composer">
    <form name="form_message" id="form_message" method="post" action="set_message.ajax.php">
      <input name="nickname" type="hidden" id="nickname" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['nickname']; ?>">
     <div class="row">
     <div class="col s10">
     <input name="message" type="text" autofocus required class="textbox_message" id="message">
<div class="col s2">
  <button class="btn-large red darken-3  waves-effect waves-light" id="btn_send" name="action">
      <i class="material-icons ">send</i>

I’m creating a chat, but I wanted the card to stay fixed instead of increasing in size every time an msg appears. How do I place a scroll bar?

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1 answer


Limit the height of the card with classes de tamanho, class small for the card to have a maximum size of 300px, the class medium for the card to have a maximum size of 400px or the class large for the card to have a maximum size of 500px;

<div class="card-panel small">    
    <h4><center>Título da Reunião</center></h4>

More information visit here.

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