Convert.Todatetime error


Viewed 62 times


I have the following code:

public JsonResult salvaPaciente(string cns, string sexo, string dataNasc, string nome, string raca,
                                    string cep, string ibge, string logradouro, string endereco, string numero,
                                    string complemento, string bairro, string telefone, string email)
        byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-8").GetBytes(nome);
        nome = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

        paciente oPaciente = new paciente()
            bairro = bairro,
            cep = cep,
            cns = cns,
            complemento = complemento,
            dataNasc = Convert.ToDateTime(dataNasc),
            email = email == "" ? " " : email,
            endereco = endereco,
            ibge = ibge,
            logradouro = logradouro,
            nacionalidade = "010",
            nomePaciente = nome,
            numero = numero,
            raca = raca,
            sexo = sexo,
            telefone = telefone
            return Json("sim", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            return Json("nao", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

It worked normally and stopped working from nothing with the following error:

[Formatexception: String was not recognized as a Valid Datetime.]

A string dataNasc is '24/06/1979'

  • 1

    Already tried in date format 'yyyy-mm-dd' in case your date would be 1979-06-24

  • See if the format on the server is Brazilian, sometimes changed the environment and need to change the web.config to accept this format.

  • @Natanielsoaresrodrigues your tip worked. if you want, you can post the answer to earn the points

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