Facebook share button, how to customize?


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I’m looking to make a share button to put on a website. The button will basically share a url with data I’ve already saved in my variables.

When reading the documentation of the facebook share button, I saw that the parameters are now taken in the declaration of the Opengraph metatags, which is a problem, because my metatags on the page where the button will be are already defined.

Not another way to customize the button by passing the otherwise less generalist parameters?

I saw that in the past these parameters were easily passed as follows:

FB.ui( { link:'seulink.com.br', title:'titulo do seu comaprtilhamento', description: descricao do seu comaprtilhamento', image: 'https://www.yourrepository.com.br/imagem.png' }, function(response) { } );

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