Form does not POST


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I’m trying to enter a user’s registration, but the POST does not occur. Always falls into the exception echo '<script type="text/JavaScript">alert("Erro ao cadastrar!")</script>';. Below follows my code, I ask that if someone identify where I went wrong, help me.


    require_once 'php/classes/funcoes.class.php';
    require_once 'php/classes/usuarios.class.php';

    $objFc = new Funcoes();
    $objUs = new Usuarios();

    if (isset($_POST['btnCadastrar'])) {
        if ($objUs->qryInsert($_POST) == 'ok') {
            header('location: cadastro.php');
            echo '<script type="text/JavaScript">alert("Erro ao cadastrar!")</script>';
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require_once 'conexao.class.php';
require_once 'funcoes.class.php';

class Usuarios {
    private $con;
    private $objfunc;
    private $user_id;
    private $user_nome;
    private $user_email;
    private $user_senha;
    private $user_data_cadastro;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->con     = new Conexao();
        $this->objfunc = new Funcoes();

    public function __set($atributo, $valor){
        $this->$atributo = $valor;

    public function __get($atributo){
        return $this->$atributo;

    public function qrySeleciona($dado){
        try {
            $this->user_id = $this->objfunc->base64($dado, 2);
            $cast = $this->con->conectar()->prepare("SELECT `user_id`, `user_nome`, `user_senha`, `user_email` FROM `usuarios` WHERE user_id = :idUser;");
            $cast->bindParam(":idUser", $this->id_user, PDO::PARAM_INT); 
            return $cast->fetch();

        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
            return 'Erro ' . $ex->getMessage();

    public function qrySelect(){
        try {
            $cast = $this->con->conectar()->prepare("SELECT `user_id`, `user_nome`, `user_senha`, `user_email` FROM `usuarios`;");          

            return $cast->fetch();
        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
            return 'Erro '. $ex->getMessage();          

    public function qryInsert($dados){
        try {
            $this->user_nome          = $this->objfunc->tratarCaracter($dados['nome'], 1);
            $this->user_email         = $dados['email'];
            $this->user_senha         = sha1($dados['senha']);
            $this->user_data_cadastro = $this->objfunc->dataAtual(2);
            $cst = $this->con->conectar()->prepare("INSERT INTO `usuarios`(`user_nome`, `user_senha`, `user_email`, `user_data_cadastro`) VALUES (:nome, :senha, :email, :data);");
            $cst->bindParam(":nome", $this->user_nome, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $cst->bindParam(":email", $this->user_email, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $cst->bindParam(":senha", $this->user_senha, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $cst->bindParam(":data", $this->user_data_cadastro, PDO::PARAM_STR);

            if ($cst->execute()) {
                return 'ok';
                return 'erro';

        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
                return 'Erro ' . $ex->getMessage();

    public function qryUpdate($dados){
        try {
            $this->user_id = $this->objfunc->base64($dados['id'], 2);
            $this->nome    = $this->objfunc->tratarCaracter($dados['nome'], 1);
            $this->email   = $dados['email']; 
            $cst = $this->con->conectar()->prepare("UPDATE `usuarios` SET 'user_nome' = :nome, 'user_email' = :email WHERE 'user_id' = :id;");
            $cst->bindParam(":id", $this->user_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $cst->bindParam(":nome", $this->user_nome, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $cst->bindParam(":email", $this->user_email, PDO::PARAM_STR);

            if ($cst->execute()) {
                return 'ok';
                return 'erro';

        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
                return 'Erro ' . $ex->getMessage(); 

    public function qryDelete($dado){
        try {
            $this->user_id = $this->objfunc->base64($dados['id'], 2);
            $cst = $this->con->conectar()->prepare("DELETE FROM 'USUARIOS' WHERE 'user_id' = :id;");
            $cst->bindParam(":id", $this->user_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

            if ($cst->execute()) {
                return 'ok';
                return 'erro';
        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
            return 'Erro ' . $ex->getMessage();



class Funcoes{
    public function tratarCaracter($valor, $tipo){
        switch ($tipo) {
            case 1:
                $rst = utf8_decode($valor);

            case 2:
                $rst = htmlentities($valor, ent_quotes,"ISO-8859-1");

        return $rst;


    function dataAtual($tipo){

        switch ($tipo) {
            case 1:
                $rst = date("Y-m-d");

            case 2:
                $rst = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); 

            case 3:
                $rst = date("d/m/Y");
        return $rst;

    public function base64($vlr, $tipo){
        switch ($tipo) {
            case 1:
                $rst = base64_encode($valor);

            case 2:
                $rst = base64_decode($valor);

        return $rst;


class Conexao {
    //atributo privado
    private $usuario;
    private $senha;
    private $banco;
    private $servidor;
    private static $pdo;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->servidor = "localhost";
        $this->banco    = "sistema";
        $this->usuario  = "root";
        $this->senha    = "";

    public function conectar(){
        try {
             if (is_null(self::$pdo)) {
                self::$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=".$this->servidor.";dbname=".$this->banco, $this->usuario, $this->senha);
            return self::$pdo;
        } catch (PDOException $ex) {
                echo $ex->getMessage();



  • You need to see what $ex->getMessage(); returns. It will be easier to identify the error.

  • And how do I see what it’s returning? How do I display its value in Alert?

  • Do it like this:

  • @Andreicoelho the return was just 'ERROR', it doesn’t really say which error occurs.

  • Alters return 'Erro ' . $ex->getMessage(); for echo 'Erro ' . $ex->getMessage();

  • Unfortunately you haven’t changed a bit, you still won’t tell me what the mistake is

  • Try to use the var_dump($ex->getMessage());

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