How can I make a function that "calls" pre-existing spreadsheets in the R program?


Viewed 53 times


Good morning, I’m new to using the R program, so I have a basic question. I want to do a function that uses an existing spreadsheet to pull some data that will be important for the calculation I want the function to perform. How can I call this spreadsheet within my function?

From now on, thank you!

  • 2

    Natane, do you have any code or anything you’ve tried to do to solve your problem? Because if it doesn’t look like: do it for me, please... understand? And we know that’s not exactly what you’re asking for... :-)

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    Welcome to []. Do the [tour] to learn how the site works.

  • 1

    The question is unclear, but there are several ways to call Excel spreadsheets, Google Spreadsheet, Data Frame etc and update calculations.

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