How to list every day between two dates for more than one record (Oracle)


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I applied an orientation of another topic and it worked cool when you only have one record in the table with the interval, but I had problems when the same record has more than one date range.

Using the query below:

select trunc(to_date(X.DT_ENTRADA)) + (level-1) periodo
  from dual
connect BY level <= to_number(to_date(X.DT_SAIDA) - TO_DATE(X.DT_ENTRADA)) + 1

and having the table "ENTRIES" below as an example:

1   01/01/2018   05/01/2018   123        
2   03/01/2018   07/01/2018   123  
3   10/03/2018   15/03/2018   999        
4   15/03/2018   17/03/2018   999

How would I set up a single list containing every day between these intervals grouped by person? That is to say:

01/01/2018   1    123   
02/01/2018   1    123   
03/01/2018   1    123   
03/01/2018   2    123   
04/01/2018   1    123   
04/01/2018   2    123   
05/01/2018   1    123   
05/01/2018   2    123   
06/01/2018   2    123   
07/01/2018   2    123

If you have a way to compile the list containing only the distinct best yet, otherwise I intend to use the good old DISTINCT on the dates of the list.

I tried to adapt it this way:

SELECT DISTINCT trunc(to_date(X.DT_ENTRADA) + (LEVEL - 1),
  FROM (
        SELECT Y.ID,
         WHERE Y.CD_PESSOA = 123
       ) X
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= to_number(to_date(X.DT_SAIDA) - TO_DATE(X.DT_ENTRADA)) + 1

but did not roll. The result comes in the same proportion of a Geometric Progression (1,2,4,8,16...), ie in this example will return:
1x 01/01/2018, 2x 02/01/2018, 4x 03/01/2018, 8x 04/01/2018 and 16x 05/01/2018 to the ID 1 and
1x 03/01/2018, 2x 04/01/2018, 4x 05/01/2018, 8x 06/01/2018 and 16x 07/01/2018 to the ID 2.

I appreciate the help.

  • and if you have a record like this: 5 02/01/2018 06/01/2018 111 ?

  • how this record will be unique to the person 111, then the first query will return the correct list below: 02/01/2018 03/01/2018 04/01/2018 05/01/2018 06/01/2018

  • ps. It will always be filtered by just one CD_Pessoa ?

  • Yes, the question I want to answer is: How long did the person stay on site in a given time frame? based on entry and exit dates. This table is simple, but I have to consider several records for the same person in various time intervals that often have no intersection, for example, enters day 01 comes out day 05 then enters again 10 and leaves day 15. We have to take only the days of the interval where the person stayed at the site.

  • I hadn’t understood this part of the intersection of dates, but I think it’s easier to solve

  • one more detail: you only need the intervals that have intersection ?!

  • No I need just the opposite. Following the example of the previous comment, should return me the days 01 02 03 04 05 10 11 12 13 14 15. If you had entered 01, left 05, then entered again on 05 and left 07 should bring 01 02 03 04 05 05 06 07. Or better still if it was 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 without the 05 repeated.

  • That’s not what’s on the second code I posted?

  • 1

    Yes, I’m analyzing the answers and converting here to see if it will happen. Soon put the result

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1 answer



Due additional explanation, where the need would be to determine the time the person stayed on site, I made the following command:

dias as 
  select (e.x + level -1)  dia
  from (select min(a.dt_entrada) x, max(a.dt_saida) y from entradas a where a.cd_pessoa = 123) e
  connect by level <= ceil(y-x)+1
), xentradas as 
(select LISTAGG(,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY as ids from entradas x 
 where x.cd_pessoa = e.cd_pessoa 
 and (x.dt_entrada >= e.dt_entrada and x.dt_entrada <= e.dt_saida
     OR x.dt_saida >= e.dt_entrada and x.dt_saida <= e.dt_saida )) as ids_entradas,
from dias d
inner join entradas e on d.dia between e.dt_entrada and e.dt_saida

max(x.dia)- min(x.dia) as duracao_dias,
from xentradas x
group by x.ids_entradas, x.cd_pessoa;


MIN(X.DIA)              MAX(X.DIA)              DURACAO_DIAS    IDS_ENTRADAS    CD_PESSOA
2018-01-10T00:00:00Z    2018-01-15T00:00:00Z    5               5         123
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z    2018-01-07T00:00:00Z    6               1,2       123


If you still need the result, listing all the records, as in your example:

dias as 
  select (e.x + level -1)  dia
  from (select min(a.dt_entrada) x, max(a.dt_saida) y from entradas a where a.cd_pessoa = 123) e
  connect by level <= ceil(y-x)+1

from dias d
inner join entradas e on d.dia between e.dt_entrada and e.dt_saida
left outer join entradas x on x.cd_pessoa = e.cd_pessoa 
 and (x.dt_entrada >= e.dt_entrada and x.dt_entrada <= e.dt_saida
 and x.dt_saida >= e.dt_entrada and x.dt_saida <= e.dt_saida )
order by d.dia


DIA                     ID  CD_PESSOA
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-02T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-03T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-03T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-04T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-04T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-05T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-05T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-06T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-07T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-10T00:00:00Z    5   123
2018-01-11T00:00:00Z    5   123
2018-01-12T00:00:00Z    5   123
2018-01-13T00:00:00Z    5   123
2018-01-14T00:00:00Z    5   123
2018-01-15T00:00:00Z    5   123

ps. I added an ID 5 to consider the comment example.


After that, I believe it is enough for you to filter by the date of the period you wish to consult

I did the following:

I selected the entire range you have in the table with a UNION, and put in a temporary table called datas. This makes it easier to get the longest and shortest date.

Then I generated a sequence of numbers, counting the difference of days between the smallest and the longest date. I saved this sequence in a temporary table called serie.

Finally, I selected the smallest date of the interval, adding the numerical sequence, thus having a list with all days within the range.

Now, just do the Select with the table data. Follow the code:

with datas as 
  select dt_entrada as data from entradas
  select dt_saida from entradas
), serie as 
  select level l
  from dual
   connect by level <= ceil(((select max(data) from datas)-(select min(data) from datas)))+1
), dias as 
    ((select min(data) from datas) +l-1) as dia
  from serie

from entradas e 
left outer join dias d on d.dia >= e.dt_entrada and d.dia <= e.dt_saida   
where e.cd_pessoa = 123
order by d.dia


DIA                     ID  CD_PESSOA
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-02T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-03T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-03T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-04T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-04T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-05T00:00:00Z    1   123
2018-01-05T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-06T00:00:00Z    2   123
2018-01-07T00:00:00Z    2   123

I put in the Sqlfiddle

  • Analyzing the query and taking the data closer to reality here, it seems that it got lost in this logic. I put the changes in the Sqlfiddle

  • see this:! 4/02991/9

  • Dude, it’s funny that I’m running the same logic, even with the names of the fields very close to the ones we use in the example and he’s not respecting the service code. to get the lowest and highest date he respects, but then uses the highest and lowest date of this call to apply the rule to all other calls in the table, I believe the problem is in the next query to connect by, but I see no difference compared to the query of the example... I will continue analyzing and return with more information.

  • right, if you can clarify what you need: tempo de permanencia por atendimento or tempo de permanencia por sequencia or maior intervalo de permanencia I guess it’s still not very clear to me

  • Imagine a table populated with millions of records, the only filter I’ll pass is sector and date. The return of the report will be by Atendimento, that is to say, o tempo de permanência por atendimento. This SQL in the example behaves as I need to aggregate in the rest of the query, but in my base it is not behaving in the same way.

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