Create an object that contains four words. Use the sample function to sample 1000 values of that object


Viewed 144 times


...continue-Find out how to use the table function to know how many times each word was drawn.

I created the four words that are "hi" "hi" "hey" and "hi" but when I tried according to an example I saw on youtube went wrong because they are not vectors.

creation: pal<-c("oi","ola","hey","hi") sample(pal,1000,replace=TRUE)


head(pal) levels(pal)

that’s where it went wrong because in the example I saw the guy was working with vectors

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    Post the code instead of an image. Helps test :)

2 answers



 pal <- c("oi","ola","hey","hi")
 > is.factor(c("oi","ola","hey","hi"))
 [1] FALSE
 > is.vector(c("oi","ola","hey","hi"))
 [1] TRUE

Thus pal is a vector and not a category vector, so levels() doesn’t work.

simply give the Ctrl+r on the line sample(pal,1000, replace=TRUE) from your scripts and see what happens.
Go ahead, we’ve all been n00bs.


Are you sure you copied the right code? It’s not something like:

pal <- c("oi","ola","hey","hi")
palavreado <- sample(pal,1000, replace=TRUE)
hey  hi  oi ola 
251 245 240 264 
  • Thank you had forgotten and to allocate the sample to a variable. Beginner error :))

  • @bonyduque And by the way, when to use functions that choose randomly or generate random numbers, as sample, start by calling set.seed(numero inteiro). Thus the results will be reproducible.

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