Good I have the following interface:
The idea is: by pressing the left button, for example, the page should display the month before the current one as well as the number of squares relative to the number of days of those months (31 in May, which is being displayed and 30 in April, which should be displayed).
My idea was this: I will remove all the squares and then add them again according to the number of days of the month that should be displayed. For example, the month of May displays 31 squares, when clicking the button on the left should be displayed the month of April, so I must remove the 31 squares and add 30, relative to the number of days of April.
Only, I can even remove the squares, resulting in that:
But when I try to add the squares again I get a white screen:
Note that the page title changes to the file name
Below is the code I’m using (javascript):
function retornaMes() {
var mes = document.getElementById("barraLateral");
var ano = document.getElementById("ano");
var meses = Array('Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro')
var mesAntigo = meses.indexOf(mes.innerHTML);
var mesNovo = meses[mesAntigo - 1];
if (mesAntigo - 1 == -1){
mesNovo = meses[11];
var novoAno = parseInt(ano.innerHTML);
novoAno = novoAno - 1;
var novoAno = document.createTextNode(novoAno.toString());
var novoMes = document.createTextNode(mesNovo);
mesAntigo -= 1;
Function responsible for going back the month, called on the left button onclick
function avancaMes() {
var mes = document.getElementById("barraLateral");
var meses = Array('Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro')
var mesAntigo = meses.indexOf(mes.innerHTML);
var mesNovo = meses[mesAntigo + 1];
if (mesAntigo+ 1 == 12){
mesNovo = meses[0];
var novoAno = parseInt(ano.innerHTML);
novoAno = novoAno + 1;
var novoAno = document.createTextNode(novoAno.toString());
var novoMes = document.createTextNode(mesNovo);
mesAntigo += 1;
Function responsible for advancing the month, called in the right button onclick
function apagaDias(mes) {
var dias = document.getElementById('quadradoDeData');
diasPorMes = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31);
for (var j = 0; j < diasPorMes[mes]; j++) {
dias = document.getElementById('quadradoDeData').remove();
return false;
Function responsible for deleting squares
function geraDias(mes) {
var distanciaX = 0;
diasPorMes = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31);
for (i = 1; i <= diasPorMes[mes]; i++) {
if (i < 10){
if (i <= 7) {
distanciaX = 14 + 90 * (i -1);
document.write("<div id='quadradoDeData' style='margin: -475px 0px 0px "+distanciaX+"px;'>0"+i+"</div>");
} else if (i <= 14) {
distanciaX = 14 + 90 * ((i - 7) - 1);
document.write("<div id='quadradoDeData' style='margin: -385px 0px 0px "+distanciaX+"px;'>0"+i+"</div>");
if (i <= 14) {
distanciaX = 14 + 90 * ((i - 7) - 1);
document.write("<div id='quadradoDeData' style='margin: -385px 0px 0px "+distanciaX+"px;'>"+i+"</div>");
}else if (i <= 21){
distanciaX = 14 + 90 * ((i - 14) - 1);
document.write("<div id='quadradoDeData' style='margin: -295px 0px 0px "+distanciaX+"px;'>"+i+"</div>");
}else if (i <= 28) {
distanciaX = 14 + 90 * ((i - 21) - 1);
document.write("<div id='quadradoDeData' style='margin: -205px 0px 0px "+distanciaX+"px;'>"+i+"</div>");
distanciaX = 14 + 90 * ((i - 28) - 1);
document.write("<div id='quadradoDeData' style='margin: -115px 0px 0px "+distanciaX+"px;'>"+i+"</div>");
Function responsible for replacing the squares
In short, I want to understand why I get this white screen when I try to include the squares again, I hope to have clarified everything.
It would be good to put the full code so we can try to reproduce.
– Sam
If I’m not mistaken, the
replaces the entire page body. I believe it would be best to usedocument.append
in this case; or, create the element in Javascript and usedocument.createElement
– mutlei
pq does not use the show / Hide , with append with jquey?
– Danielle Arruda torres
type: $('#reply'). html("text"); //CREATES THE MESSAGE $('#reply'). show(); shows message $('#reply'). Empty(); // Zera $('#reply'). Hide(); // does not show
– Danielle Arruda torres
this would be me php, I’m just using javascript
– Guilherme Bartasson
am showing examples in Jquery which is a javascript library. has nothing to do with php. is pure front-end
– Danielle Arruda torres
Got it, thanks anyway, I managed to resolve by changing the display of the elements
– Guilherme Bartasson