Read contents of a netflow package


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I’m developing a tool that captures every UDP package that goes through my firewall (an Openbsd 5.4, simulated by a virtual machine), but I’m having trouble extracting the information I need from these packages.

My code is basically:

DatagramSocket serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(9876);        
byte[] receiveData = new byte [1024];
DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length);
String sentence = new String(receivePacket.getData());
InetAddress IPAddress = receivePacket.getAddress();
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
String sql = "INSERT INTO tabela_netflow (fluxo) values (?)";
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
int row = statement.executeUpdate();
if (row > 0) 
   System.out.println("Pacote salvo:" +receivePacket.getData());

} catch (SQLException ex) 

The code works (the packages are being properly saved in the database), the problem is that I cannot see the contents of the packages (I believe because it is in binary). Here’s what I see when I click on "open value in editor" in Mysql: Conteúdo Banco

The netflow header has a known format, that is, it is possible to know the fields and how many bytes each one occupies, the header format is this: Netflow header

The table of my bank is very simple, only has code and flow, where flow is a varbinary(10000), that is, I at first am saving the entire stream, but I want to obtain and save each header field in a respective variable in the bank, to be able to manipulate later. Does anyone have any idea how I could get the information that’s in this package? I believe all the information is in receivePacket.getData(), but I can’t find a way in which I can separate the right bytes to get each information contained in the header..

Remembering that it is a package in Netflow format, if you have a client that sends a common package (code very similar to this, usually sends a string to the collector), receivePacket.getData() will be with the value of the sent string, I mean, it’s not the case that fits my problem.

Can someone help me?

1 answer


From what I understand of your question, you want to separate each information according to the format of the netflow package. Then just manipulate an array of bytes:

private void manipularStream(byte[] dadosCabecalho) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    out.write(dadosCabecalho,0,2); //lê os bytes 0 e 1
    String versao=out.toString("UTF-8");
    out.write(dadosCabecalho,2,2); //lê os bytes 2 e 3
    String count=out.toString("UTF-8");
    ... //faça o mesmo para os outros campos
  • brevleq, it didn’t go so well.. Separation until it works, but out.toString("UTF-8"); returns whitespace values in variables.. Debugging, I could see that in the content of the version would have the value 5 and for Count I got numbers between 1-30, until it worked, but sysuptime no longer worked, and srcaddr no longer.. any suggestions?

  • @Goose you would have to deal with these blanks. As for the fields that didn’t work out, you’re getting the right range of bytes?

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