Android studio does not display the devices to emulate


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Android Studio not displaying the emulator that is on the pc nor by usb device on mobile how to fix it. follows an image to assist, as you can see no devices appears.

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  • You are trying to emulate on a physical or virtual device?

  • @Leticiarosa in both

  • I put an answer. If you do not solve your problem comment with more information that I continue to help.

1 answer


As for the physical device: Is your phone Debug mode on? If it’s not, it won’t show up at all. To enable debugging you first need to enable the programmer mode on mobile. For this you can follow the guidelines of this link: After that, enter the programmer option that appeared in the settings and enable "USB Debugging".

If everything is ok on the device, probably your machine lacks drivers for it to recognize the phone. You can find the procedures for this in this link:

As for the virtual device: Check if you created it correctly in AVD Manager, including if the Android version of the device is compatible with the minimum SDK version you chose.

  • in relation to that all is correct, what happened is that from nothing it no longer displays the devices.

  • Close the android studio and look in the task manager if the adb.exe process did not continue working. If you have, stop it and then restart android studio.

  • when starting android studio it displays this message 'Unable to create Debug Bridge: Unable to start adb server: Unable to obtain result of 'adb version''

  • Have you checked the path of the SDK? It has to be in C: Users<usuario> Appdata Local Android sdk (mine is in sdk1 because I upgraded from a very old version to new and for some reason was like this, try to look at it too.)

  • only solution was to uninstall and install again Android Studio.

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