Foreach inside foreach is doubling PHP values?


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I’m having a problem looping, I am working with 3 tables of the Bank, would be table Anuncio, Opcoes_Anuncio(interconnected) and Opcoes, I’m trying to bring the option data along with the selected options, but it turns out it’s giving several looping.


my query is like this

SELECT * FROM opcoes op INNER JOIN opcoes_anuncio oa ON oa.opcoes_id_opcao = op.id_opcao INNER JOIN anuncio an ON oa.anuncio_id_anuncio = an.id_anuncio WHERE an.anuncio_id_anuncio = '17' ORDER BY op.id_opcao ASC


<?php foreach ($opcoes as $val): ?>
    <div class="form-group form-check">
      <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="opcoes_id_opcao[]"
              value="<?= $row->id_opcao; ?>"
              id="<?= $row->slug_opcao; ?>" 
            <?php if($row->id_opcao == $val->opcoes_id_opcao) { echo "checked"; }?> >
        <label class="form-check-label" for="<?= $row->slug_opcao; ?>">
           <?= $row->titulo_opcao; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>


  • What’s your idea in this loop?

  • You have to describe much more to get a satisfactory answer. what you have $show_opcoes ? and what has $opcoes ? what html result these two for’s give and what would be the right one ?

  • Okay, I had forgotten to upload the image, with it becomes much easier to visualize the error that happens

  • In your SQL you have an error, here should be WHERE an.id_anuncio, but other than that the query does not return duplicated records unless they have actually been recorded the same ad option more than once. Post the code of your 2 foreach, the problem must be there.

  • I think it is error in the same Foreach, but I’m trying to bring the normal values that would OPTIONS and also bring the chosen marked values before it is OPCOES_ANUNCIOS, when I do right, it only returns me the 3 marked, but I need the OPTIONS values so that the person selects another option

1 answer


Hello, hard to know why this occurs without seeing the structure of the tables, but a group by opcoes_anuncio.anuncio_id_anuncio can solve the problem.

Besides, it seems your code isn’t right, it has 2 endforeach, and vc iterates with the variable $val, but below uses $row. It seems that the code is wrong or incomplete.

  • I think it is error in the same Foreach, but I’m trying to bring the normal values that would OPTIONS and also bring the chosen marked values before it is OPCOES_ANUNCIOS, when I do right, it only returns me the 3 marked, but I need the OPTIONS values so that the person selects another option

  • 1

    In this case, use LEFT JOIN would not solve? If you can put the structure of the tables would facilitate.

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